
Hair - Cheveux (English vs French)

/'heə/ /ʃəˈvø/

In English the word "hair" designates the hair on the head as well as that on the rest of the body, for both humans and animals. In French different words are used: “cheveux” for hair on the head, “poils” for hair everywhere else on the human body, as well as for the hair on animals.

In English, the word "hair" is always singular, whereas in French it is plural (except when speaking about 1 strand of hair).

For some idioms in English and French, read below... 

by Alex Latimer

#Culture #Language

In English, (Source: here), click on the idioms for their meaning.
a hair in the butter / a hair out of place / a hair shirt / a hair's breadth / angel dust / angel hair / bad hair day / be out of (one's) hair / by a hair / by a hair's breadth /by the short hairs / come within an inch of / curl (one's) hair / curl hair / finer than frog hair / get gray hair from (someone or something) / get in (one's) hair / get in hair / get out of hair / gray hair / hair and hide / hair of the dog that bit / hair of the dog that bit you / hair out of place / hair shirt / hair-raising /hair's breadth / hair-splitting / hang by a hair / hang by a thread / harm a hair on head / have (someone) by the short hairs / have a bad hair day / have a wild hair up one’s ass / have by the short and curlies / have someone by the short hairs /haven't seen hide nor hair of  hide (n)or hair / in hair / in someone's hair / in the cross hairs / keep (one's) hair on / let down (one's) hair / let hair down / make hair stand on end / make one's hair stand on end / out of (one's) hair / out of one's hair / part hair / plaster hair down / pull hair out / put hair on chest / put hair up / put lead in one's pencil / run fingers through hair / split hairs / tear hair / tear one's hair / the hair of the dog / turn a hair / turn a hair, not / within an ace of / without turning a hair

Some idioms in French, Source and meaning here (click)
À contre-poil ou à rebrousse-poil / À poil / À un cheveu (près) / Avoir du poil au cul, aux couilles / Avoir du poil au menton / Avoir du poil aux pattes / Avoir mal au cheveu / Avoir un cheveu sur la langue / Avoir un poil dans la main / Avoir qqn sur le poil / Cheveu d’ange / Cheveux dociles / Comme un cheveu sur la soupe / Couper, fendre les cheveux en quatre / D’un poil / Être à un poil près / Être de bon, de mauvais poil / Faire dresser les cheveux sur la tête / Flatter qqn dans le sens du poil / Il est au poil  / N'avoir plus un poil de sec  / N'avoir plus un poil sur le caillou / Pas d'un poil / Pile poil / Poil à gratter / Poil de carotte / Prendre qqn à contre-poil / Prendre, reprendre du poil de la bête / Saisir l'occasion  aux cheveux / S’arracher les cheveux / Se faire des cheveux blancs / Se mettre à poil / Se prendre par les cheveux  / S'exciter ou s'énerve le poil des jambes / Tirer par les cheveux / Tomber sur le poil de qqn / Un brave à trois poils / Une chevelure de Samson / Vaincre poil par poil 

#Culture #Language
#English #French