
Trichologiques (An anthropology of the hair and body hair) in French - Christian Bromberger

Une anthropologie des Cheveux et des poils
(An anthropology of the hair and body hair)
Christian Bromberger
(Bayard, 2010)

The author relies on his own ethnographic surveys (in Iran, in the Mediterranean countries, in Hokkaido, in the cancer department of a hospital ...) and on a considerable documentation that includes all continent and period of The story, Christian Bromberger tells his various encounters with hair. Hair offers singular properties to symbolize the differences between the sexes, between the social statuses, between Neighboring or distant populations but also between submissive and insubordinate, between the order of the monastery and the wandering of the hermit, between the civilized and the savage …

#Culture #Society #History #Religion #Symbolism #Gender